Division IV - Technical Sciences

Committee on Metrology
and Scientific Instrumentation

VOLUME IX - NUMBER 4/2002 [previous] [next]


Adam 真chowski - Tests of XY- recorders based on a servomechanism with sliding motion327
Jacek Kucharski - Information fusion in temperature measurement339
Marek Wo這szyk - Filtering of interference signals of grounding resistance measurement with subharmonic353
Jerzy Augustyn - An algorithm for frequency estimation of sinusoidal signal367
Marek Wo這szyk, Miron Galewski, Stanis豉w Wojtas - Finding the protection features of lightning grounding with estimating its impulse impedance components381
Leon Sw璠rowski - Neural in the induction motor`s rotor cage diagnostics391
Dariusz Tomkiewicz - A measurement system for estimation of the water content in grain based on dynamic drying process model401
Emilia Nowaczyk, Janusz Nowaczyk - Wp造w liczby pobieranych pr鏏ek i ich usytuowania w okresie na b陰d wyznaczania warto軼i skutecznej i 鈔edniej sygna逝 poliharmonicznego411